Bat Surveys Begin

May has been a month of unexpected surprises for us, largely caused, as ever, by the weather. Normally a quiet period on the farm, this year has seen a difficult calving season. From this however comes the appreciation of some fantastic young calves filling the fields...

The Ecology Season Starts

From one busy period to another – as lambing finishes, we are thrown straight into the ecology season. Considering some of the awful losses seen by our neighbours in the Welsh Marches, our flock of sheep have escaped the worst of the snow, and were able to lamb...

Catchment Sensitive Farming Grant Scheme

This is the last chance to make an application to Natural England for capital grants under the CSF scheme towards the cost of practical works to improve water quality and reduce pollution. A 50% contribution is available towards agreed capital costs for items such as...

Stewardship Farm Bird Options

Many farmers will be planning to sow wild bird seed areas this spring as part of their HLS options. Guidance on these for new agreements is now much stricter than previously and Natural England dictate that wild bird areas should amount to 7% of the arable area and...